DNA Test for Dogs Advanced


1 DNA Kit for Dogs Advanced


Get the Advanced DNA test for dogs to obtain information about your dog's breeds and physical characteristics that its genes are eager to share. You and your dog will have access to:

  • The list of breeds that your dog comes from. We will tell you which breeds and in what percentage your dog belongs to, from a list of hundreds of options. We will also show you its family tree, where you can see the breeds that its ancestors had, up to its great-grandparents.
  • What physical traits your dog has, including eye clarity, hair color and style, leg length, and muzzle shape.
  • A list of multiple diseases and their presence or absence in your pet. You will know with certainty whether your dog is a carrier of a disease or is as clean as after those baths that are so hard to convince him to take.
  • All the new features that we are developing, at no cost and perpetually. Any addition that is incorporated into the kits, you will have access to it for free and without the need to repeat the sample. This includes DNA Connect and its updates, a tool that allows you to find other dogs that share DNA with yours from our database.

Your genetic test for dogs will contain:

  • An instruction booklet with your personalized kit number and access to a website that details the steps to follow at all times. Explained in a way that even dogs could use it. But if you have any questions, our team is here to help!
  • Two swabs to collect saliva from the sides of the mouth, one for each side. Be careful not to let your pet eat them!
  • A tube with a preserving liquid to store the saliva samples.
  • A shipping bag to put your kit and be able to send it back to the laboratory for free.

Why buy the Advanced DNA test for dogs from Koko?

  • With the genetic kit of breeds included in the results of this test, you will know, among more than 400 options, those that make up your dog. Whether it's a purebred or a chimera, we'll tell you.
  • You will know dozens of aspects about your animal related to its physical traits because, although we may see them as similar, no two dogs are alike.
  • By knowing what diseases your dog carries, you can guarantee the best care, even before they manifest. Plus, you can keep it in mind for the rest of the animals in its family.
  • We have one of the tests with the most results, at the same time as being one of the tests with the least economic cost.
  • All the updates and new features that we include in the future will be implemented for free and forever, without the need to repeat the sample.
  • Guidance in the results: The Koko team of geneticists is always available to help and guide you, with a customer service that won't leave you alone. Good owners don't abandon their pets, and good companies don't abandon their customers.
  • We guarantee the privacy and security of your data.
  • We offer the highest standard of quality, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the results.